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I hate that I'm desensitized to mass shootings. And I even know it's my defense mechanism / serenity for dealing with this.
I just wanna live in a less dangerous world....and I have 2 kids who will spend next 18 yrs in school. And thought it's ultra low likelihood...every day is a dice roll.

If you aren't excited about your current job/career, use this RARE opportunity to change to a field you would enjoy more. The labor shortage has left SEVERAL employers hiring people will less experience or requiring less qualifications.
Use this time to make lateral, up, or down changes to get to your desired field then thrive and enjoy life more.

@iamalsoandy I agree that all initiatives will not thrive but that doesn't have to do with the socio-poli structure. There are non capitalist nations not addressing the problem as well. It takes human desire and forethought for the future

@iamalsoandy in nation free of capitalism we still see the pareto principal play out

@iamalsoandy when you say it encourages greed of gains at expense of others I'm not sure how you tie this to culture over "the human condition". I think it's pretty complicated and I wouldn't be sure our political system is what is enabling this

If you have people I should follow on please let me know. One of the only problems with setting up my own instance is the local timeline is completely me lmfaoo

Having to learn Go and relearn C# for this new position. Excited

GSUGambit boosted

It's becoming normalized to consider someone extremist/radical to want and support freedom, decentralization, privacy, transparency, and liberty.

Don't be bullied into giving up ideals that are objectively good for those that are subjectively good.

GSUGambit boosted

Installing #PeerTube on your server is like creating your own free-libre alternative to "YouTube", where you choose the name ▶️ ! Documentation and official support will guide you through this adventure.
👉 #FreeTheServers

@Gargron @Mastodon Must say I'm very happy I logged into Twitter and saw lots of threads today

GSUGambit boosted

Mastodon for Android has been installed over 32K times! Still only 400 ratings though. Please don't forget to rate the app!

@Gargron hope the stress lessens and the success increases bro

The most important factor in investing is TIME. While you want to be a financial guru before investing, the reality is you'll spend years researching and lose tons of compounded growth. Go invest immediately while gaining financial literacy.

GSUGambit boosted

You can easily be rich, but also poor. 🧐

The man who makes 120k and spends 110k is poorer than the man who makes 60k and spends 40k.

Beyond saving your money, it's how you use that money to make more money in a reliable way. 💡

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This is a server founded by GSUGambit. Others are welcome to sign up and try out Mastodon!