If you aren't excited about your current job/career, use this RARE opportunity to change to a field you would enjoy more. The labor shortage has left SEVERAL employers hiring people will less experience or requiring less qualifications.
Use this time to make lateral, up, or down changes to get to your desired field then thrive and enjoy life more.
@iamalsoandy I agree that all initiatives will not thrive but that doesn't have to do with the socio-poli structure. There are non capitalist nations not addressing the problem as well. It takes human desire and forethought for the future
@iamalsoandy in nation free of capitalism we still see the pareto principal play out
@iamalsoandy when you say it encourages greed of gains at expense of others I'm not sure how you tie this to culture over "the human condition". I think it's pretty complicated and I wouldn't be sure our political system is what is enabling this
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@iamalsoandy what are the tenets of capitalism you hate most?
@Gargron @Mastodon Must say I'm very happy I logged into Twitter and saw lots of #JoinMastodon threads today
My #SleepParalysis is bugging tonight
@Gargron hope the stress lessens and the success increases bro
@scottcbusiness Couldn't agree more