Matthew 7:7 "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you"
was fantastic for me! Spend 28 days water fasting along with reading the 28 chapters of Matthew. Good spiritual growth and health growth! Lost 39lbs (I'm so mad I didn't get to 219) but the autophagy is what's most important!

My last day!!! Boy this been a long but good month. All praise to God for keeping me.

Down 35 lbs and my mental capacity is so insanely high right now. I really wish I could fast forever.

"Doctor Reveals How Water Fasting Unlocks Secret Healing Powers | Dr. Alan Goldhamer on Health Theory" on YouTube

7 days of my water fast completed! .

Now to get some sleep!

Day 5 of my water fast. Still feeling great! Will be on debate show tonight. Definitely going to be a good time!

Headed to get some Red Lobster! My last time going out to eat before

Should tell my mastodon family about . One of my goals is to water fast each February basically for rest of my life. I'm asking my friends to either water fast or find a way to modify their diets. Popular alternatives have been "one meatless week" "no sugary drinks" "no fried food" "simply more vegetables". But please join me in modifying your diet in some way and seeing how it affects you!


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