Politically speaking what's it called when I hate the current political system, want to see the end of capitalism and really would like us to stop making our natural habitable uninhabitable but am very aware I don't practically know how to achieve that, or indeed what the real physical outcome will be?
Is there a name for that?
@iamalsoandy what are the tenets of capitalism you hate most?
@gsugambit so, I'm not sure what the tenets are (is there a list somewhere?!), but I dislike it because I think it encourages greed, is a system of minority privelege, it leads people to strive to gain at the expense of others.
@iamalsoandy when you say it encourages greed of gains at expense of others I'm not sure how you tie this to culture over "the human condition". I think it's pretty complicated and I wouldn't be sure our political system is what is enabling this
@iamalsoandy in nation free of capitalism we still see the pareto principal play out
@iamalsoandy I agree that all initiatives will not thrive but that doesn't have to do with the socio-poli structure. There are non capitalist nations not addressing the problem as well. It takes human desire and forethought for the future