Now that I have mastodon fully working with images, i can move on to also getting PeerTube up and running. #MinIO for the WIN!
"tootctl accounts refresh --all" is a command you need to run incase storage services are changed @admin
@Gargron So i figured out that problem and now when i upload my profile image, i see it in the GCS bucket. However when i load pages from my server, everything shows as a black square :O
@Gargron So I was able to get minio running since mastodon couldnt connect directly to GCS. Now it's saying invalid access key id even though I KNOW it's correct. Do you have any link to a docker-compose connecting local minio to local mastodon? I configured the props correct and can see GCS thru minio web portal
@Mastodon I'm on v3.3.0 via docker deployment and I'm not sure of best way to upgrade. Can I just pull from github and all important info is saved in the volume?
⚠️ #Mastodon v3.4.6 is out! This patch release includes important security fixes.
And for those who are still on the 3.3.x branch, v3.3.2 is out with the same fixes.
My last day eating until March 1st. #NoEatFebruary
@gambittester Perfect, notifications are working
How did people on Mastodon feel about the #OshaMandate
@Gargron hey, my mastodon server was down for a bit. For some reason pictures will not download anymore. I reset my GCS service account but I can see it's not persisting there. Any idea? I've tried refreshing with tootctl as well.