⚠️ #Mastodon v3.4.6 is out! This patch release includes important security fixes.


And for those who are still on the 3.3.x branch, v3.3.2 is out with the same fixes.

@Mastodon I'm on v3.3.0 via docker deployment and I'm not sure of best way to upgrade. Can I just pull from github and all important info is saved in the volume?


@Gargron So I was able to get minio running since mastodon couldnt connect directly to GCS. Now it's saying invalid access key id even though I KNOW it's correct. Do you have any link to a docker-compose connecting local minio to local mastodon? I configured the props correct and can see GCS thru minio web portal

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@Gargron So i figured out that problem and now when i upload my profile image, i see it in the GCS bucket. However when i load pages from my server, everything shows as a black square :O

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