If you aren't excited about your current job/career, use this RARE opportunity to change to a field you would enjoy more. The labor shortage has left SEVERAL employers hiring people will less experience or requiring less qualifications.
Use this time to make lateral, up, or down changes to get to your desired field then thrive and enjoy life more.
Installing #PeerTube on your server is like creating your own free-libre alternative to "YouTube", where you choose the name ▶️ ! Documentation and official support will guide you through this adventure.
👉 https://joinpeertube.org/ #FreeTheServers
@Gargron @Mastodon Must say I'm very happy I logged into Twitter and saw lots of #JoinMastodon threads today
My #SleepParalysis is bugging tonight
#GoogleCloudBuild #GCB needs some work.
I can't wait to join #CatsOfMastodon next year
Will be live on #PrimeCayes panel today