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Using Mastodon and Peertube makes me want to build some federated platform

@JigmeDatse may I ask if you have deployed your peertube instance via docker? Also, are you persisting the videos to GCS by chance?

GSUGambit boosted

@Gargron So far it’s apparently mostly tumbleweed at Truth.Social. Shame these articles don’t mention Mastodon anywhere. I suppose it would have been better if it was referred to as a “Twitter and Mastodon ripoff” or some such.

GSUGambit boosted

Here it is! The grand finale of the 4th Programming Language World Championships! #plwc2022

Only one language can win this. You decide!

Man I really hope the housing market drops by the end of this year.

Been playing waaaay too much Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel 😂😂😂

I haven't used my Oculus Question 2 in weeks. I need to change that

Everyone is posting their cats today. Can't wait to move so I can get 2!

Now that I have mastodon fully working with images, i can move on to also getting PeerTube up and running. for the WIN!

"tootctl accounts refresh --all" is a command you need to run incase storage services are changed @admin

I can see images I upload now, but images from remote servers do not show :(

GSUGambit boosted

⚠️ #Mastodon v3.4.6 is out! This patch release includes important security fixes.

And for those who are still on the 3.3.x branch, v3.3.2 is out with the same fixes.

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This is a server founded by GSUGambit. Others are welcome to sign up and try out Mastodon!