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I remember when I thought Google + would be around forever lmfao

If you follow me and I don't follow back please let me know!

PSA. If you construe mental health as cutting everyone off you have a slight problem with....your mental is not so healthy....🙃
Failure to maintain long term relationships is a signal of your poor mental health 😄

I would love to create a federated version of Snapchat. That would be really fun. Need to spend a lot of time learning about ActivityPub / federated design though.

@Gargron Is there an open source payment processor you would recommend that can be spun up via docker?

I am saving my peertube videos in GCS ( ) however my VM is running in Digital Ocean. I explored DOS ( ) before, I may try and move my storage of peertube to DOS

Just streamed to Peertube. Was uber easy. I wonder if there is a way to switch it to route through haproxy or something so i dont need to open the live stream port though @Chocobozzz

Going to try to stream to my peertube account just to see if it works out.

@bloodaxe Hey I see you have a link to a system called "LiberaPay". By chance, do you know if there's an open source version of a software like that where I could run my own instance?

I wish the world truly appreciated Jordan B Peterson and Dave Ramsey. I don't agree with all conservative beliefs at all but those 2 individuals are 10/10

Seeing all these cat pics are making me want to expedite buying kittens

The latest Destiny Ban is evidence we need to use our own media platforms.

GSUGambit boosted

PSA in case anyone else runs a custom E-mail domain (not even your own server - I was using it with Fastmail) - GOOG just got a LOT stricter about requiring proper DKIM & SPF records. If you don’t have them, they will gleefully mark every E-mail from your domain spam now. #email #DNS #google

Happy to be back into home automation. Can't wait to buy the house this year or next

Using Mastodon and Peertube makes me want to build some federated platform

@JigmeDatse may I ask if you have deployed your peertube instance via docker? Also, are you persisting the videos to GCS by chance?

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This is a server founded by GSUGambit. Others are welcome to sign up and try out Mastodon!