Need to move my Mastodon deployment fully to GCP.

I'm still in Mastodon 3.5.3. Is there a migration guide for docker deployers anywhere?

Why didn't Jack Dorsey just support Mastodon? It's weird that everyone wants federated social media but doesn't want this one. It's like they are ashamed they didn't build Mastodon first.

GSUGambit boosted

Got fired from working the vinyl pressing machine for yelling “It’s a new record!” every 10 seconds.

Has anyone listened to the Tucker Carlson v Putin interview? I started it and about 40 minutes in Putin was still doing his "quick" introduction to history and I fell asleep. Does it get better?

GSUGambit boosted

Hi All,

I have suspended account registration on this server due to spam account creation and posts in an effort to make the server friendlier to the If you would like to sign up please contact

How easy does Mastodon update when running in docker. I see the new CVE and want to get uograded

Sorry there was spam on my server. Just blocked accounts.

@conlan Yeah I know you were talking about Threads thats what i was responding about. Threads is going to support Activity Pub so likely the local timeline feature you see in mastodon is the feature you are complaining about in Threads was my point.

@conlan ah you're on mastodon social so maybe you already see this

@conlan my assumption is it's akin to seeing the local server messages on mastodon. Likely you have an instance with few people like I do so you aren't used to see a bunch of randoms but if you join a more popular server you see the tweets and hashtags of those in the local server.

I have lots of investigations to do into Google AI offering. Vertex, Gen App Builder, and everything else. Lots of fun things upcoming.

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This is a server founded by GSUGambit. Others are welcome to sign up and try out Mastodon!