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Most of our infrastructure was made before the idea of security. The ability to shut down large portions of our economy with ransomware should not be under-estimated. There have been demonstrations of other companies using similar power grids to our to shut down power grids (though not with random ware).
The idea that we have a congress that's completely non-tech saavy terrifies me during these new times where lots of "wars" are fought online not with soldiers.

@DeCentre awwwwwesome! Unfortunately I think ease of access breaks some traditional proprietary controls mindsets in the industry. Working in Healthcare IT for 6.5yrs I saw how toxically ingrained it is

@bsima woooooow it has still been cold in the south though so i can see that

Gotta be up with the kiddos early in the a.m. About to get some sleep.

So my mailcow and mastodon dockers ate all the space on my VM so I've been down for about 2 days and didn't know :O

There's no way the jury shouldn't convict Chauvin. How can we justify use of force on someone without pulse instead of CPR?

We've cross 2millions shipped orders in a system I helped architect/technical leader. Can't lie, it feels good!

@matthewbischoff it's wild that Americans still use platforms that allow them to be restricted.

Transplanted my hydroponic basil/broccoli to the clay pebbles. Let's hope this works out. 2 more hydroponic systems will be coming in today. Gotta figure out which 2 other vegetables I'm planting.

Kids are loving the trampoline and it's getting me outside more.

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