@lee amazing!!! I'm going to start a workout regime now so I can stay this size! I basically spent the first 20yrs of my life in shape. Last decade I was focused only on economic advancement but now I'm back to weight and working out lol
@lee yup. just posted a photo different between 2/1 and 3/1. 39 lbs down. Going to transition to broths and fruits for a few days, maybe the whole week and next week will def be back to eating regularly
Matthew 7:7 "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you"
#NoEatFebruary was fantastic for me! Spend 28 days water fasting along with reading the 28 chapters of Matthew. Good spiritual growth and health growth! Lost 39lbs (I'm so mad I didn't get to 219) but the autophagy is what's most important!
#NoEatFebruary My last day!!! Boy this been a long but good month. All praise to God for keeping me. #PutGodFirst #FastLife
#NoEatFebruary 3 more days!
#NoEatFebruary Down 35 lbs and my mental capacity is so insanely high right now. I really wish I could fast forever. #WaterFasting
#NoEatFebruary 5 more days!
6 more days of #NoEatFebruary
@lee we are going out to eat tomorrow for V-DAY at a vegan restaurant and I won't be able to eat lol. So we have opposite problems but problems none the less
@bsima I do weekly! It's important! Even if it's just coming up with a weird idea and trying to create it
@lee 14 days in! Feeling awesome! Down 22lbs and climbing but whats most important is the mental clarity! How have you been?
#AllBlackPanel on #PrimeCayes will start at 8! Can't wait, will be lit! Will be streaming on my twitch.
@lee feeling really good. Judy played chess for about 5 hrs now about to get some sleep